Animated Ape Productions Ltd has been set up to conceive, design, pitch & produce its own IP based around accessible, cost effective CGI animated cartoon content. We seek to bring our thoughts, our experience, our aesthetic in 2D comic-book imagery to that of the moving cartoon image and present our CGI material to corporate sector entities who might wish to option, co-produce, publish, transmit and/or stream this form of entertainment. Whether publishing our own 2D printed comics, such as with 'Dinotoons' or 'Damned Dirty Apes', or producing specific material for 2D online content, such as 'Drell's Marauders' for 'Aces Weekly', we have always sought to create and develop interesting and well designed characters that 'live' in terms of character, situation and genre. Animated Ape seeks to emulate our prior 2D creative output with our current 3D CGI output, our objective and goal being to convey the simple fun and entertainment of our comic book ethos via our own distinctive 'take' on CGI.

About Us

Our first unpublished experiment in utilising CGI, where we were seeking to originate an interesting visual cross-over between hand drawn material and that which is computer generated... 'Drell', existing within a 2D comic-book reality, suddenly finds himself to be stranded within a strange 3D reality. Small beginnings, but it did bring about something of a sea-change, a substantial alteration to our perspective, re ongoing creative output.


Concept Development Visual/Script Development Storyboarding Scripting Modelling Animation Voice Track Development • Editing • Audio Post-production• Visuals Post-production Animated Ape, although a recent adopter of CGI, is nonetheless determined to offer an innovative and cost effective approach to the creation of original animated material. As developers and producers of our own intellectual property, we are developing procedures, practices and methodologies that will enable efficient production of our own animated material, we also intend to utilise these arrangements when co-producing or developing content for others via 'Speak Animation'


Exciting Adventures

I was blown away by the creativity and originality of Animatedape's ideas. Paul Whitlock truly has a gift for crafting unique science fiction concepts that are perfect for animated series and comic books.

Animatedape is a hidden gem for anyone looking for fresh and innovative storytelling. The TV show ideas are captivating and the animated adventures are thrilling. I can't wait to see more!

Paul Whitlock's imagination knows no bounds. His science fiction ideas are unlike anything I've ever seen before. Animatedape is a goldmine for fans of animated adventures and comic books.

If you're a fan of science fiction and creativity, look no further than Animatedape. The TV show ideas are mind-blowing and the animated adventures are incredibly entertaining. Highly recommend checking them out!

Feel free to reach out to discuss new ideas!

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